What Is The Role Of Plaque In Tooth Decay Explain

What Is The Role Of Plaque In Tooth Decay Explain. Also called plaque, a highly organized complex of microorganisms that adheres to surfaces where moisture and nutrients are available. Plaque contributes to bad breath and makes the teeth look yellow and stained.

Tooth Plaque Cheek Dental Blog
Tooth Plaque Cheek Dental Blog from cheekdental.com

When you eat a lot of sugary stuff that is rich in carbohydrates mainly, the small particles of food get stuck in between teeth, which create a suitable environment for the microorganisms to grow that resides in the suitable environment in your mouth. Since plaque coats the teeth, saliva can not reach the tooth layer to neutralize the acid. For almost a century it was believed that any bacterial community on the tooth surface could cause decay, and treatment was almost exclusively the mechanical cleaning of these surfaces by toothbrushing, using some type of mild abrasive.

What Role Does Diet And Nutrition Play?

It provides the basis of life for bacteria. Remains of the sweets being taken may be present in between the teeth and bacteria acts on them at night producing an acid that causes decay of the enamel of the teeth. When you eat or drink foods containing sugars, the bacteria in plaque produce acids that attack tooth enamel.

Saliva Can Help Neutralize The Acid, But The Ph Of Saliva Can Become More Acidic After Eating Acidic Foods.

Toothpaste contains certain bases that help in destroying these bacteria and neutralising this acid, thereby preventing tooth decay. Plaque is the sticky deposits that collect, in particular, around the gum line, the edges of fillings and the grooved surfaces of the teeth. Tooth decay starts when the mouth’s ph is below 5.5.

Certain Bacteria In The Biofilm Produce Acid In The Presence Of Fermentable Carbohydrates Such As Sucrose, Fructose, And Glucose.

In addition to food particles, masses of bacterial cells bind to the teeth to form dental plaque. Explain why secondary caries are difficult to diagnose. For almost a century it was believed that any bacterial community on the tooth surface could cause decay, and treatment was almost exclusively the mechanical cleaning of these surfaces by toothbrushing, using some type of mild abrasive.

Plaque Tends To Form After Meals Or Drinks That Contain Any Sugar Or Carbohydrates.

It can take between a few minutes to a few hours for the ph of the mouth to neutralize. Tooth decay is the destruction of your tooth enamel, the hard, outer layer of your teeth. Dental plaque is a colourless or whitish substance that builds up on teeth and gums, particularly at the gum margin (figure c.4.2).it is a biofilm made up of billions of bacteria, the majority of which are only found in the oral cavity [41].these grow in a mass of soluble and insoluble.

Many Of The Foods That We Eat Contain Sugars And Starches.

The role played by sweet consumption and other chemical changes in tooth decay is well known. In 2010, the world health organisation (who) commissioned a systematic literature review to answer. After eating, brushing the teeth removes the plaque before acids are formed by the bacteria.


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